Ben Underwood – Superhuman – Sonar Vision

Ben Underwood – Superhuman – Sonar Vision

Meet Ben Underwood – Superhuman – Eco Location Vision-Video

Meet Ben Underwood. Bens eyes were removed resulting from cancer when he was 3. Yet, he plays basketball, rides on a bicycle, and lives a quite normal life. He taught himself to use echo location to navigate around the world. With no guide-dogs, he doesn’t even need hands: he uses sound. Amazingly, his ears pick up the ecos to let him know where the objects are. He’s the only person in the world who sees using nothing but eco location, like a sonar or a dolphin.  Ben sadly lost his fight with cancer in 2009 but his remarkable God given ability still serves as an inspiration to many.

Click the link or image above to learn more about Bens story. You can also visit the website his family maintains in his honor at